Tuesday, 11 July 2017

What is the problem with being famous for being famous?

It is almost 2am (South African time), and I immediately got the thought of the "beef" that society has with famous people, who apparently don't have any talent.

Now, I know people are already thinking of Kim Kardashian West, or Paris Hilton, or any of our favourite cast members of the Love and Hip Hop franchise, and in South Africa you can think of Skolopad or Zodwa (whom I love btw), and the way that they get portrayed through the media, as well as on social media.

What is our beef with them? Is it that they are watering down the idea of what being famous is? Are they making a mockery of it? Are they hurting the image of our women? Or are we just mad that they dared to be true to them, have a strategy, implement it, and get some money off their personalities? Are we mad that these women, in particular, had the gall to be who they are unapologetically, without fear or sorrow?

I say "we" because up until I started my journey to being "woke" I realised that their choices do not affect me, and therefore why am I mad? So I delved deep within, and realised that I am not mad at them, I don't even know them. What I am mad at, is the fact that this "society", that I not only benefitted from, but followed its "rules and regulations", is a farce. A farce because the way that society works doesn't take into account the differences, talents and capabilities that people have.

We can't all make music, act or do any of the things that would constitute as a talent. So what happens to those that do not have a traditional talent? The people who have capabilities that can't be measured through the spectrum of a talent, do we just leave them to fend for themselves? Or do we let them be who they are, go along the journey with them, grow with them, and consume the product that they provide us with.? Which just so happens to be THEM.

We can't police people anymore like we used to, we don't have that right. If someone makes a choice that puts us at any risk, we have social media to "drag" them, and let them know. But making fun of them shouldn't be the first trope that we turn to. We all should do better to lift them up, support them and help them change their lives and ours, because maybe, just maybe, we might learn something from them.

Leh xx

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